Starting your day with the right mindset will control the course of the entire day

Start you morning with some inspiration or meditation -Trust me! This makes a HUGE difference! How do you start your mornings?? Perhaps you are not a morning person like me, but no worries, you are not ALONE. In the morning I want complete silence. I like to allow my mind to release everything from the day and night before and I begin the day with prayer, reflections and stretching.
This is how I wake up.... since I am not a naturally early morning riser, but I am growing into it... Many successful people begin their days early or before sunrise.... I have found this time to be the most peaceful, calming and amazing frequency.... there is a stillness that is in the atmosphere.... what does this mean?? The energy of the day has not permeated so all you hear are the birds chirping and the smell of the fresh morning dew.... it’s absolutely AMAZING!!!! So I sit on my bed and reflect on what I am grateful for and what lies ahead for the day. I command my morning and speak my desires into existence. Next I begin my stretching and yoga poses.....then on to the bathroom to get ready, get dressed, kiss my son and start my day.
Take note of these tips, perhaps you already have a morning routine set in place, that’s wonderful! But for those who may wake up on the wrong side of the bed, read on for some positive habits, yes habits are positive so let’s start creating and waking up with them!
Be Grateful –Gratitude sets the mood for anything…. Even if you feel down right crappy and depressed. Remember, there is always someone who is doing worse than you. It’s easy to focus on lack but when we focus on abundance and gratitude, your entire perception will change. Trust me- I can attest!
Happy Tummy – What you eat affects you on several levels: mentally, spiritually, biologically, chemically, physiologically, etc. for instance, your mood, your energy, your GI tract (2nd brain- I will discuss this in another post) your weight and so much more! Start with a healthy breakfast and a glass of water actually before you take that first bite. This is to decrease cravings, by drinking water immediately after waking up, your body is releasing toxins, which begin movement in your bowels. This process will recover and improve your digestive system. I am not a big breakfast eater so I always start with drinking a glass of water with my vitamins and have a cup of coffee with almond or flax milk and little flavor cream, an egg with sautéed peppers and a veggie patty. No carbs and no cereal. Then another cup of coffee at work and lots of water!!! Then there are days that I will fast until noon to give my body a break. (We will discuss fasting later and its health benefits)….
Listen to some motivation – I personally listen to inspirational, spiritual scripture steeped messages with some praise and prayer and I also enjoy Les Brown’s morning motivation music.
Check out some of his speeches and music here:
Change your life, change your mind!
Journal, Journal, Journal – Perhaps you are unemployed or underemployed at the moment. Don’t fear or panic. There is opportunity in every crisis or adversity. Sit with yourself and envision the life that you want and then take a pen and paper (or notebook) and write down EVERYTHING that you want and desire. (Use a red pen) Seek advice and counsel for guidance….Then create a plan step by step on how to arrive there. The first step is to write. I had a hard time doing this but eventually I could not stop! I also created a vision board and every time I find a picture, quote, item or anything that aligns with my vision for my future, I cut it out and paste in on the board. (I plan to discuss this once the vision board is complete, and I can’t wait!) I have heard that people who create vision boards generally see the manifestation of the contents of that board.
Help someone- I found this to be rewarding, because it takes time and attention off my own problems and helps me use that care and energy to support someone else and the feeling is amazing! “Sacrifice and unselfishness are tools to shift your situation”
What do you think??
I hope these tips helped and I will be back with more resources and tips to make your day a great one and prosperous. Have a great day and Don’t forget to Get Your Life!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!