From “There In Eternity” by W. Kent Alston, II
Please took a look at the Inspirational Book authored by my father:

Hovering a furlong above the areas of Gaza and Joppa, Romel had just directed a squandron of The Brethern to shield the young family as they headed to Nazereth when several furlongs to their rear, Azazel and his demons spotted them... each side had now drawn their swords from their scabbards... a battle was imminent. From There In Eternity grasps certain action and suspense filled scenes from God's Word The Bible- Creation to Revelation. The novel captivates its readers with classic accounts of good versus evil, describing encounters among humans and heavenly angels as well as their fallen demon brothers. It chronicles stories of well-known characters leading up to the main person in the novel-Jesus-his life on earth, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension to Heaven. It climaxes with John The Revelator who was banished to the Island of Patmos where he wrote the last book of The Bible.
Here is a link to the book:
Kent Alston is a retired Federal Government employee who has worked over thirty-five years for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) He earned a degree in Business Administration in accounting from South Carolina State University and a Master of Public Administration degree in Governmental Management from The American University in Washington, DC. His post career has kept him involved in real estate investing. From There In Eternity is his first novel. A native of South Carolina, he resides in Maryland with his wife, four children and one grandchild.