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Creative Caves

Writer's picture: pamalstonpamalston

Creative Caves

I know you are probably laughing at the title. Possibly you are bit perplexed. But you are reading correctly. Caves are creative. The very character and origin of caves are considered unique and creative. Caves are formed in so many different ways such as those formed from the lava of a volcano. Others are formed in glaciers by the melting of ice, still others from the weathering of rock, or from the corrosion of water and wind to create various types of caves such as sea caves (formed by the waves of the water), talus caves (consists of open spaces among large rocks) and eolian (wind carved in the desert) caves to name a few. Rock Shelters are produced by erosion in insoluble rocks. The most common and largest caves are those formed by limestone and dolomite rock. The entrances to these caves are formed accidentally and naturally. The longest cave in the United States is the Mammoth Cave-Flint Ridge System in Brownsville, Kentucky measuring at over 400 miles!

When you think of a cave, what comes to mind? Instantly I think of bears, bats, darkness, creepy things, the unknown and shelter. The latter attributes are appropriate and relative to me personally and thank God that I have never come into contact with a bear or a bat. I am terrified of both! However, I decided to write about caves because as of late, I have found myself in one. No not literally, figuratively. I love using Biblical references, stories and allegories because this is the best way to get my point across. I will use the story of King David in the Old Testament of the Bible. David was fleeing King Saul and fearing for his very life. Due to jealous motives, King Saul put a hit on David’s life.

It is important to remember that David was previously anointed to become King so it was just a matter of time before Saul would abscond and David take his place. The name of the cave David hid in was called Adullam. Adullam means refuge in Hebrew. Political commentators have alluded to the term "Cave of Adullam" referring to any small group remote from power but planning to return. (Wikipedia).

Do you see that parallel? David was hiding in a cave amongst other men in a cave- he was clearly remote and far away from King Saul’s death threats, however, God’s plan did not fail, David was still anticipated to become King. His life would not be cut short, but would clearly fulfil what it was intended to do.

Caves as a habitat – Some refer to caves as a fortress, dwelling or shelter, but for David, it was a hiding place. A retreat or refuge. My office serves as my reading place and my bed room serves as a space to renew, recharge and relax.

Caves at an ecosystem – Caves create new life and new life is created in caves. I found an incessant love for being alone; this is where I free my mind from rampant thoughts and tap into my thought process. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in unification with the nonliving components of their environment. Additionally ecosystems serve the inhabitant located within that system. Essentially David was sustained by dwelling in the cave!

Caves are transitory – David fled to the cave temporarily because his life was in danger. While in the cave, David connected with the Most High. His purpose there was temporary since he would become King of Israel inevitably. My cave space is small (for now) but I plan to expand to my own office space and purchase a home.

Caves for creation - In the Cave, David began to write parts of the book of Psalms. Namely Psalm 142. In my office, (or cave) I have discovered some of my best writings & poetry; even developed and created my voiceover recordings and other business projects. My cave has allowed me to hideout study and create. Additionally my cave space is sacred and a place of solitude & peace.

Caves transform – When one stays in a cave (long enough) they can become indigenous to their surroundings; the aesthetics tend to shed evolving into a more natural look. Spiritually, you will tune into the frequency of nature, God and yourself, eventually delineating from the fast paced toxicities of our modern day. This is where creativity begins additionally, healing and growth can & will take place.

Caves Consecrate – Caves can be lonely and isolated but the process serves to set you apart from the things that could be destroying you.

Everyone cannot come to your cave.

So, as you can see, caves are multidimensional in purpose and creative in function and as well as by design. So no matter what cave like situation you might find yourself in, make it serve a greater purpose and create inspirational writing such as the book of Psalms like David did. It can be lonely and secluded but caves can create the best outcomes. Where is your cave? What are you doing in your cave?



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