Creative Caves
I know you are probably laughing at the title. Possibly you are bit perplexed. But you are reading correctly. Caves are creative. The very character and origin of caves are considered unique and creative. Caves are formed in so many different ways such as those formed from the lava of a volcano. Others are formed in glaciers by the melting of ice, still others from the weathering of rock, or from the corrosion of water and wind to create various types of caves such as sea caves (formed by the waves of the water), talus caves (consists of open spaces among large rocks) and eolian (wind carved in the desert) caves to name a few. Rock Shelters are produced by erosion in insoluble rocks. The most common and largest caves are those formed by limestone and dolomite rock. The entrances to these caves are formed accidentally and naturally. The longest cave in the United States is the Mammoth Cave-Flint Ridge System in Brownsville, Kentucky measuring at over 400 miles!
